AoC 2018 – Day 10 Retro

Today is day 10 of Advent of Code 2018, the fun daily coding challenge I mentioned I was taking part in this year, and I thought it a good time to take a quick look back at my story so far. I’ve still not managed to rank globally for any of the challenges (the closest IContinue reading “AoC 2018 – Day 10 Retro”

Advent of Code 2018

This year I’m taking part in the awesome Advent of Code, and because I haven’t done a lot of Ruby over the past couple of years I thought this would be an excellent opportunity to refresh my skills.  In case you’re unfamiliar, AoC is a series of twenty-five coding challenges. Each day leading up toContinue reading “Advent of Code 2018”

Building Curb on Windows

As I mentioned in my previous post, I’m now working on Curb again, and currently on Windows. Back in 2006 when I wrote the original Curb, I wouldn’t go near a Windows box for religious reasons, and the project has never officially supported the platform. There are plenty of bugs and posts around about peopleContinue reading “Building Curb on Windows”

Random headache #57 – Rails 4 and Nokogiri on Windows

So I’m currently working on a rails-based internal app for a company I occasionally do some work for (and often, wish I didn’t), and for one reason or another I’m stuck developing on a Windows box. I won’t go into the reasons for this right now (suffice it to say that I blame Broadcom. OrContinue reading “Random headache #57 – Rails 4 and Nokogiri on Windows”

The “Scoring Predictions” kata

While idly surfing around earlier, I caught this post on coderbits, announcing that some of the Practicing Ruby archives are available under a free documentation license. When I saw that one of the released articles was written by James Edward Gray II, I just had to take a look. In case you don’t know, JEGIIContinue reading “The “Scoring Predictions” kata”

Savon – SOAP on Ruby

For reasons best left unsaid, I’ve recently had occasion to access BetFair‘s SOAP-based API from a rails app. Although SOAP is widely touted as yesterday’s technology (indeed, BetFair are currently in the process of replacing theirs with a JSON based setup) it’s still widely used in the enterprise space and something I’ve come into contactContinue reading “Savon – SOAP on Ruby”


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